Diane is a writer, speaker and minister ordained with both Christian International and Generals International. Her articles are regularly featured on The Elijah List, as well as platforms like Charisma Magazine, Charisma News, Intercessors For America and others. She and her husband, Allen, co-founded Starfire Ministries with a vision to see the kingdom established beyond the four walls of the traditional church. They host a podcast with Charisma Podcast Network, and serve as Church Mountain, Regional, and Montana Coordinators for the Reformation Prayer Network, and as Media Mountain Leader/Facilitators for C.I.’s Culture Influencers


The Double Portion Mantle Era Has Begun

(Graphic source: Those who pass their period of testing can expect to see the Lord restore what the enemy...

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The Door of Increase: You’re Going Higher!

With renewed hope, let’s expectantly watch for the Lord to open the door of increase and wealth, that we may use it to further His...

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Four Open Doors in 5784—Abundant Provision and More!

Just as there is a difference between “life” and “abundant life,” there is a difference between “provision” and “abundant...

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Welcome to the Transfer Zone—A Harvest is About to Begin!

If you’re feeling stretched in your finances, relationships, job, ministry, or personal life—welcome to the transfer zone. I hear the...

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I Hear the Spirit Saying, “Come Up Here!”

(Graphic source: “Ancient plans are transitioning into the present future by means of a divine time...

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Get Ready: The King of Glory is Riding In!

(Graphic source: It’s all about timing, and I believe God is beginning to move us into a new dimension of...

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It’s Payback Time!

We have stepped into a season like none other I have ever experienced. For those who have been pouring out in secret—without...

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2023 – The Acceptable Year of the Lord, Triple Increase and Recovery

God is in a mood. He is in the mood to perform miracles, to administer justice and to bring recompense for that which has been lost....

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I Heard the Lord Say, “Watch for My Glory to Fall!”

Watch for ‘surprise entry portals’ for His glory. A Season of Fulfillment In a recent article I wrote how I’d had an intriguing...

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We’re in a Season of Fulfillment–There Will Be No More Delay!

Do not give up on your prophetic promises that haven’t “blossomed.” We are in a “day,” or season for prophetic promises to bloom,...

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You’re Coming Out of a Season of Great Trials into Something Brand New!

Friends, be encouraged. You are coming out of a wilderness season into something new. (Graphic by James Nesbit via At the...

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How to Begin Hearing Sound Bites from Heaven Like These

God wants to reveal His thoughts to you. Learn how you can hear short clips of divine conversations that summarize life in general, as...

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7 Abilities for a New Agility in This New Era

I truly believe the release of these seven abilities has been reserved for such a time as this, and those who read this with an open heart...

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It’s a Season of Wide-Open Doors—Don’t Hold Back!

You have more ground to cover and more things to see. Doors of opportunity are about to fling wide open for you. You have no idea of the...

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Salvation Has Come to the House of Israel!

People that pray for Israel receive a special blessing. For many years now I have had a specific assignment from the Lord to pray for the...

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The Dam of Promotion is About to Break!

The month of May marks a season of promotion. An old chapter has ended and a new one is beginning. (Author’s Note: The following is the...

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This Will Be an Era of Abundance, Recovery and Fruit!

The natural realm might continue to exhibit shortages and bare shelves, but what I hear the Lord say about this new era is, “It’s an...

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2022: The Front Door to the New

I believe as the door to 2022 opens—as the year unfolds—it will begin to reveal who you really are, what the new has been for and why...

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Will You Trust the Lord to Restore to Better Than Before?

Despite it having been a season of loss, it’s a season to press through open doors—not just stand still or draw back. The Lord has a...

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Get Ready for Harvest and the Coming Glory!

It’s important that every single one of us prepares to participate in this “after party” move of His glory that will be an integral...

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Preparing for Change and Harvest

We can’t only spiritualize the coming harvest—and accompanying move of glory, without addressing the need to be practically prepared as...

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There Stands Before You an Open Door

  Doors can represent decision, opportunity and expectation. I see three doors reflected in Scripture, and one in particular that...

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In This Challenging Season—Keep Your Eyes on the Glory!

I don’t think any of the prophets have the full picture of what God’s doing at the moment. What if God was withholding certain...

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It Is Time to Seek the Lord for the Alignment of Generations—The Place of Full Impact—Where Anything’s Possible!

I sense the Lord saying, there is “a deep work He wants to do in you.” I heard the Spirit of the Lord say, “America—God wants to do...

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A Christmas Present for Families This Year!

If President Trump—who is pro-life, pro-traditional family, pro-Israel and pro-religious liberties—were to by some miracle gain...

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This Election is a Far Cry From Over: We Have to Keep Praying!

This election is a far cry from over. We have to keep praying for these election results—we can’t give up! The attempt to steal the...

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The Year of the Climbing Vegetation

You are invited to come up higher… The next year becomes critical to be pressing into the Lord for continued revelation, that you...

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Should Women Function as Pastors/Elders/Overseers in Today’s Churches?

How should we interpret Paul’s instructions in 1 Timothy 2:12 (NKJV) that women are not “to teach or to have authority over a...

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An Army Arising and the Return of the Fiery Prophets of God!

We can’t always judge a year by what we see with our natural eyes. I see the return of the fiery prophets and a gathering of arms, a...

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The Year of the Mega: A Time for Reflection, Revival and Trumpeting Your Voice!

The Jewish New Year is about much more than just a fresh release of revelation and prophetic words for the upcoming season… the Lord...

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Unlocking the Harvest: “I’m Planning to do a NEW Thing,” says the Lord!

The Lord impressed upon me that entering into the new levels of harvest He has planned means leaving the old ways behind and pressing...

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Blessed are the Peacemakers: A Murder, Mayhem, Militia and a Mega-Move of God!

It is absolutely wrong for any faction, whether Antifa or any other, to hijack what should be a true movement protesting racial injustice...

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A Shift Towards Families and Towards Prayer!

It is my belief the Lord is releasing a body-wide awareness that will bring an emphasis on the restoration of families and increased...

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The Dawn of the Era of “More and Better!”

“This marks a turning point in your life—the dawn of a new era. Just as things are different now in the physical realm, they are...

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Trusting Him for Something Better: A Wave of Healing is Coming!

You can expect to see a great move of healing released as a manifestation of His glory. I believe this to be first and foremost actual...

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Come Up Higher: Your City Is Ripe For Revival!

The Lord’s been showing me that the date 4/1/2020 is connected to Revelation 4:1, and that a door of invitation is opening to come up...

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Prophetic Reflections Regarding the Coronavirus Outbreak

As I write this, tomorrow is the first day of spring—my sense is this will not last through the spring. Let’s not give in to fear, but...

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Crossing Over Into a New Kingdom Era!

There is something in the air—something’s about to happen. Just as everything changed when the Israelites crossed the Jordan,...

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The Super Bowl: Links to Discernment, Saving the Children, and Multi-generational Apostolic Teams

(Image source: There is no point in a Super Bowl, yet it garners the attention of a nation. I mean, come...

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The Lord is Releasing New Levels of Discernment to His People

  Just as our natural senses allow us to discern the signs of the sky, our spiritual senses allow us to discern the signs of the times...

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A Christmas Special Blessing For Families This Year!

  I see divine fingerprints on the fact that Mary and Joseph returned “home” to Bethlehem that very first Christmas (Luke 2:4-7)....

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A Move of Purity, a Return to Character and Family Values

I love the fresh expectation that a new year brings… Friends, I believe this will be the year—the decade—for the voices of...

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A Season Of Prophets And Pentecostal Power: It’s Going To Be A Good Year!

(Image source: I believe this new season of the mouth will reverberate with the voice of the Lord—both to...

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I Heard The Lord Say: “It’s A Year Of Endless Possibilities!”

I’m hearing the Lord say, “My possibilities are endless. I will take you higher than you thought you could ever possibly go. Let Me...

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An Update – God is Moving in New Ways!

On July 29—completely out of the blue—my husband had a heart attack. I don’t pretend to have it all figured out. But I do know that...

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The Lord is About to Take His Prophets Higher!

The Lord’s been showing me that the upcoming year of 2020, among other things, will become known as the year of the prophet. We are about...

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The Release of the Mountaintop Anointing—This Might Be the After Party!

I believe we’ve entered the time of the release of the mountaintop anointing—the time of your promotion where you can expect God to...

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Expect Triple Increase, Not Double – The Baby Called “Harvest” Has Walked!

Over and over again I’m hearing it’s a new day of increased favor, and that it’s going to be a year of unlimited change. For some of...

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It’s a New Day: Prepare for a Completely Different and New Season!

“Get ready, for He’s doing a new thing—completely different and new. It can seem as if the waiting is unbearable, but I am doing...

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It’s Time to Begin Engaging the Process of Renewal!

You might feel stuck in your life, job or ministry, as if you’re going nowhere. The Lord showed me that as you engage the spirit of...

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The Real Beauty of Christmas and How it Relates to Today

The real beauty of Christmas for me is that it’s also very raw. By raw I mean it’s simple, powerful and real—with elements like a...

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Trump Rallies: Their Connection to Eagles, Spiritual Inheritance, and the Glory of the Lord!

What a privilege and honor to be asked to pray at the opening of a Trump rally recently! President Trump had already been to our state of...

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Be Ready in 5779 for Global Awakening and Flowing New Wine!

5779 will be a year flowing with new wine, and we can expect this to be a year of increased revelation and increased accuracy! I feel led...

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A Season of Kairos Moments, Provision, and Accelerated Justice!

For those who’ve been calling upon the name of the Lord, their provider, as they endure storms of process, be encouraged. The Lord...

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Celebrating the 4th of July, and How it Links to the New Move of God!

There are apostolic mothers and fathers across our nation who carry mantles to see fulfillment of national destiny and sustained revival....

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A Work of Consecration for Acceleration: It’s Time to Bring in the Harvest!

There’s been a shift in momentum in the spirit, much like what Jacob experienced in Genesis 31. He’d been working for Laban all those...

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The Shape of Things to Come: A Sifting, Recompense, and a Glory Canopy

I sense God’s about to do a creative thing—much like when Satan overplayed his hand and Christ was crucified, only to rise again....

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Responding to Human Loss and Tragedy: Leadership Through Prayer

Intercession is more than just prayer—it includes action. Jesus was our example for this. Jesus didn’t just pray for us—He died for...

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Expect To See Things Never Before Seen in 2018!

God is even now blessing what He has previously blessed and spoken over your life, and your children are included in this enhanced...

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Merry Christmas: God’s in the Package!

I heard the Lord say, “Pay attention to Christmas this year—it’s a time of abundant blessing.” Imagine! – God wants to give...

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Get Ready—The Year 5778 Will Be a Season of Transition, Worship and Surprises!

(image source: God has the perfect new things waiting for you. It’s a season to not rush ahead of Him through...

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Bearing God’s Light to Dispel the Darkness

    The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in the land of the shadow of death, upon them a...

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Here’s What I Think the Lord Is Saying Through the Things Like Earthquakes and Fires Happening in Montana!

It’s all about perfect timing. There’s a move of God coming greater than any we have yet seen—it was to be held back and reserved...

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Prophetic Impressions for the State of Montana Regarding the Recent Earthquake

(Actual author photo of computer screen taken at 12:40 am on 7/6/17.) On Thursday, July 6 at 12:30 a.m., a 5.8 magnitude earthquake hit...

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Strong and Powerful Women Arising, and a New Look Coming For the Body of Christ!

(Image Source: Strong and Powerful Women In a recent dream I saw a number of individuals, both male and female, serving as...

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The Lord Is Releasing The Wells Of Salvation: Plus A Word For Montana!

In some sort of mind-boggling incomprehensible supernatural way, I believe Montana has been destined for a role in God’s plans to release...

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Now Is The Time For Miracles!

Prophets are declaring that as His manifested presence increases, healing and miracles will break out. The candidates for spontaneous...

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Understanding God’s Heart For The New Year: Victory Has A Taste!

I have so enjoyed reading the words for the year that have come forth. Many intriguing themes are being repeated—like victory, comeback,...

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5777 – A Year of Restitution, Reconstitution and Resolution

(Image Source: Can You Feel The Shift? It’s significant that both the Hebraic (5777) and the Gregorian (2017)...

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Finding Hope In A Manger

Christmas is such a magical time. It can mean so many wonderful things—gifts, gatherings with family and friends, and for some—even the...

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A Reformation Army: God’s Kingdom Is About To Advance!

“… Like dawn spreading across the mountains a large and mighty army comes, such as never was in ancient times nor ever will be in ages...

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Thy Kingdom Come: Praying From a Reformation Perspective

Thy Kingdom Come: Praying From a Reformation Perspective Scripture reveals that the gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world...

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A Kingdom of Priests: Bringing Change to the Government Mountain

“When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.” (Prov. 29:2, KJV)...

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Accessing Wealth For Kingdom Purposes

In 2014, Cindy Jacobs released a word to my husband and me that the Lord was opening the gate of property to us—that we would own houses...

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The Power of the Media Mountain

The Key To Everything—Speaking Truth “… ‘I will return to Zion, and dwell in the midst of Jerusalem. Jerusalem shall be called the...

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Bathroom Debate: Common Decency Cries Out For Boundaries

Guest column Bathroom debate: Common decency cries out for boundaries DIANE TUCKER LAKE Darrell Ehrlick’s guest column (Missoulian, May...

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A Great Company of Women

“The Lord gives the command word; the women who proclaim the good tidings are a great host.” (Ps. 68:11, NASB) God has no intention of...

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Following Jesus’ Footsteps

“Seek God, all you quietly disciplined people who live by God’s justice. Seek God’s right ways…” (Zeph. 2:3, MSG) Justice has...

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God’s Reformation Plan Includes You

I am encountering a growing number of believers who are examining the difference between the gospel of salvation and the gospel of the...

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Finding Your Place Starts With “Yes!”

“… Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:14) Knowing who you are in Christ has never...

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Keys to the Harvest: 2016 and Beyond

Many prophetic words coming forth for the New Year include some mention of harvest—a significant increase of people coming into...

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Growing in Discernment

“Do not judge according to appearance, but judge with righteous judgment.” (John 7:24) Godly discernment is the divine ability to...

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Understanding the Seer Aspect of the Prophetic Gift

“I will stand my watch… to see what He will say to me…” (Habakkuk 2:1) Simply expressed, prophecy can be defined as hearing the...

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Do You Know Why Fivefold Ministry is Essential?

“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers.” (Eph. 4:11) Recently, good...

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The Life-Giving Expression of Spiritual Gifts

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man’s gift is… serving, let him serve; if it is teaching, let him...

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Follow the Leader

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.” (1 Cor. 11:1, NIV) As a new ministry leader, I remember enthusiastically...

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Utilizing the Weapon of God’s Word in Prayer

“God’s Word is an indispensable weapon. In the same way, prayer is essential in this ongoing warfare. Pray hard and long.” (Eph....

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Restoring Hope

“For the time being Jesus must remain out of sight in heaven until everything is restored to order again just the way God, through the...

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Personal Restoration and Justice

“The Lord works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed.” – Psalm 103:6 (NIV) A Restoration of All Things The Lord first...

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The Overcoming Power of Testimony

“… for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. And they overcame him by the...

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The Key to Your Turnaround

Prophetically, it is being declared that 2015 will bring divine reversals and turnaround in the midst of what may seem like a whirlwind...

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Intercession: Looking Beyond Ourselves

Several years ago, the Lord challenged me to step up my level of intercession. He used, of all things, an ongoing issue I had with chronic,...

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Praying in the Holy Spirit

And these signs will follow those who believe; in My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues. – Mark 16:17...

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Missoula Could Become Model for Prevention

Like many Missoula and Montana residents, I was dismayed to see the title of Jon Krakauer’s soon-to-be-released book on campus rape. I...

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Relationships After God’s Own Heart

“He raised up for them David as king, to whom also He gave testimony and said, ‘I have found David the son of Jesse, a man after My own...

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A Season of Grace

“‘Who are you, O great mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain! And he shall bring forth the capstone with shouts of...

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Increasing Our Ability to Know His Voice

“I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.” (Job 23:12) Although I was saved at age 10, I spent most of my...

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The Greatest Gift of All

“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or...

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Becoming Mature Sons of God

“For the creation eagerly waits for the revelation of the sons of God.” (Rom. 8:19, NET) Central to our identity in Christ is that we...

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God’s Calendar: Understanding His Timing & Purpose

Times and Seasons To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to...

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Preparing for Revival on a Massive Scale

A Dream of Revival About a month ago I had a powerful dream in which I saw revival coming to New York. The dream opened with a healing...

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Unlocking the Gates of Heaven: Wealth Beyond Imagining

If people can’t see what God is doing, they stumble all over themselves; but when they attend to what He reveals, they are most blessed....

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A Season to Watch God Turn it Around

For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His glory will be seen...

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Anti-discrimination Ordinances and Same-Sex Marriage Legislation

Doing the Right Thing I’d rather write about something else. There – I said it. Taking a stand for principles of righteousness...

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Montana Nondiscrimination Ordinance Update

Dear Montana RPN Partners, The Butte-Silver Bow Council of Commissioners recently passed an anti-discrimination ordinance. On Wednesday...

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Out with the Old, In with the New

  All Things Shall Be Restored Unto You A number of prophetic words released for 2014 speak of restoration, restitution and double...

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Open Doors and New Levels

Come Up Here After these things I looked, and behold a door standing open in heaven. And… I heard… “Come up here, and I will show you...

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Glorify Your Name

December 16, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake An Explosion of Fruitfulness For many are called, but few are chosen. (Matt. 22:14) Everyone...

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Help is on the Way

November 25, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake A Temporary Position We recently experienced a creative miracle where something disappeared...

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Strategies for Breakthrough

November 7, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake So David went to Baal Perazim, and David defeated them there; and he said, “The Lord has...

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Defending Freedom: Breaking the Effects of Freemasonry

October 16, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake A slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. Therefore if the Son...

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Freedom 21: The Use of Power, Sex and Control (Day 15)

September 23, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake Editor’s Note: Additional contributions to this article were made by Hal & Cheryl...

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Freedom 21: The Sleeping Church (Day 8)

September 16, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake Editor’s Note: Additional contributions to this article were made by Adela Just and Hal...

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Freedom 21: Restoring the Broken Family (Day 5)

September 14, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake Editor’s Note: Additional contributions to this article were made by Deena Graves and Hal...

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Freedom 21: Fatherlessness – A Vulnerable Generation (Day 4)

Editor’s Note: Additional contributions to this article were made by Alisa Jordheim, Adela Just and Hal & Cheryl Sacks. The...

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The Days of Elijah

September 10, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake And he will turn many of the children of Israel to the Lord their God. He will also go...

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Freedom 21 Prayer Initiative

August 29, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake Dear Montana Intercessors, As you are probably already aware, the U.S. Reformation Prayer...

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Story Literacy and Intercession

August 7, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake Everybody has a story – something which defines them, shapes them, moves or inspires them....

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Standing Strong for Biblical Marriage

July 10, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake God’s Equality in Marriage Recently we posted an article on our state page reflecting on the...

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The Spirit and the Bride Say “Come”

July 1, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake The Calm in the Middle of the Storm This past month was one of the busiest stretches of time I...

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Reflections on the Supreme Court Decision

June 27, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake Many of us are feeling weary and somewhat discouraged in light of the Supreme Court’s decision...

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Keys to the Harvest

June 6, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake Just the Right Time There’s a sense in the spiritual realm right now of things coming together...

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A Time of Decision

May 13, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake Two Dreams We are living in days of accelerated restoration where we will see the Lord restore...

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An Era of Change

April 22, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake Watch and Pray There is a repetitive theme in the spiritual realm at this time that is hard to...

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Grace Under Fire: Navigating Conflict

April 9, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake … we were bold in our God to speak to you the gospel of God in much conflict. (1 Thes. 2:2)...

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Supreme Court Prayer Guide – Day 4 | A Line in the Sand

March 24, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake The definition of marriage in the United States hangs in the balance. On March 26th and 27th...

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Supreme Court Prayer Guide, Day 1 | Regaining Our Voice

March 20, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake The definition of marriage in the United States hangs in the balance. On March 26th and 27th...

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The Triumphant Church

March 10, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake Some Bad News I recently sat through a difficult meeting as an elected member of a local...

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A Great Company of Women

February 20, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake The Lord gives the command word; the women who proclaim the good tidings are a great host....

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A “Now” Work

February 5, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake A Dream I first began hearing the Lord speak of a significant shift in the spiritual realm...

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Reward and Challenge Ahead

January 23, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake Wouldn’t it be great if we had a detailed blueprint for the days ahead – knew exactly...

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A New Year: A New Era

January 6, 2013 – Allen and Diane Lake A New Car In November of 2011, my husband and I felt the Lord led us to buy a new car. I know...

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Hope in the Midst of Tragedy

December 19, 2012 – Allen and Diane Lake A Tragedy Arise, shine; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon...

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No Need to Fear

December 5, 2012 – Allen and Diane Lake A Significant Shift Lately, a number of people have come to us with post-election questions...

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Reflections: the Battle, the Glory, the Intimacy

November 15, 2012 – Allen and Diane Lake John 12:23-25: But Jesus answered them, saying, “The hour has come that the Son of Man...

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The Glorious Bride of Christ

October 29, 2012 – Allen and Diane Lake A Call to Intercession Several years ago, I had a vision. It actually started with a dream in...

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His Glory Will Come

October 10, 2012 – Allen and Diane Lake “Make straight in the desert a highway for our God.” – Isaiah 40:5 Let us...

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The Increase of Light and Darkness

September 30, 2012 – Allen and Diane Lake “For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth… but the Lord will arise…...

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Articles, Uncategorized

Kingdom Governmental Rule and Change

September  24, 2012 – Allen and Diane Lake “But let justice run down like water, and righteousness like a mighty...

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Articles, Uncategorized

Corruption in High Places

August 21, 2012 – Allen and Diane Lake As Montana USRPN coordinators, my husband and I recently had the privilege of preparing the...

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Articles, Uncategorized

Shooting Coyotes and Shifting Nations

July 30, 2012 – Allen and Diane Lake Posted on the Reformation Prayer Network It is not unusual for the Lord to speak to us through...

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Articles, Uncategorized

Homosexuality and Political Correctness

Jun 19, 2012 – Allen and Diane Lake Is it a choice… or how you are born? One would have to be both physically and spiritually...

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Articles, Uncategorized

Gays deserve help pursuing truth, freedom, not marriage

by Diane Lake View the published opinion in the on May 16, 2012 There is hardly a more hot-button topic than that of...

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Last modified: February 2, 2021

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